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Custom Home Theatres

With full and thoughtful Design and Installation of premium components for a thrilling movie experience for the past 30 years, Home Theatre Associates has provided Private Theatre screening rooms that are the culmination of different disciplines and expertise to deliver the dynamic impact of a commercial cinema.

Screen material, Speakers, Amplifiers, and Projector selections, all directly play a key role in providing you with a realistic experience. Smaller but no less important details such as lighting, seating, and even the color of the room itself lend themselves to the overall equation. 

It all starts with design, and Home Theatre Associates designs your room from the ground up to perform its best. From the Height and material of your seating to the airflow of your HVAC system, no detail is overlooked.

The Control System from RTI integrates and coordinates all of these separate systems into a cohesive, easy to use system.

Surround Sound and TV Installations

Media/Family Rooms are a gathering space for everyday gatherings and entertainment. Designing a AV System to integrate into a family/living room is very different from a Screening Room. Having the system blend into or complement the existing decor is paramount to a successful installation. From having a TV that looks like a piece of art, or a photo frame, to speakers that are tucked inside custom cabinetry, or flushed into the wall or ceiling are standard options in the custom installation space. One-button control of the TV, Audio System, Lighting, and Shades are things that a true modern home deserves.

Multi-Room Audio Systems

With Muti-Room Audio Systems, you’ll be able to play music in any or all rooms and even outside. Not only will a home automation system enhance your control options, but it will also allow you to save space and entertain guests more effortlessly. With Muti-Room Audio is great for entertaining friends and family. If you are having a party, your guests can move from room to room or even outside while enjoying the music’s perfect quality and volume no matter where they go.

 If you have children, teens or young adults, each one can pick their favorite songs and play them as they are getting ready in the morning. If Dad and Mom are cooking in the kitchen, they can listen to their preferred sound while preparing dinner. Each family member gets to choose their radio station or music selection in his or her own area. Home Theater Associates serves everyone with their favorite music, just the way they like it. Since everyone is different, each zone can be personalized to even sound the way each family member likes it. Your house will never be the same.

Outdoor AV Systems

Enjoy your outdoor space with outdoor audio. Enhance your outdoor living space with outdoor audio. Eliminate the need to try to play your indoor system loudly enough to be heard outside. With the right design and equipment, not only will it sound wonderful, but you can play your music on the patio while the kids can play their music by the pool.  That keeps everyone happier. 

If you have decided to install an outdoor audio system, there are several steps. Skipping a step can mean you either wasted a lot of money or just never quite happy with the installation. With expertise and planning, Home Theatre Associates will provide you with the system of your dreams.

Whether you want to enjoy live sports & concerts or cozying up to watch the latest blockbuster outside, there’s something about entertaining that makes the outdoors really come alive. Installing a TV or Projection System, Smart Landscape Lighting in your backyard makes your house more enjoyable and will keep you, your friends, & your family entertained, especially the sun goes down. 

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Smart Automated Lighting

Smart lighting is when your lights are controllable using a Control System or a smartphone app. You can set timers for your lights and create schedules or routines to turn them on and off at a set time or based on specific actions. You can sync your lights with sunrise and sunset, dim or even change their color. Control groups of lights in the room you're in, or anywhere in the house simultaneously. Have your lights turn on and off automatically based on motion and / or occupancy. You'll save energy because you'll never worry about leaving lights on again. Lighting scenes can be preset for "Activities" such as Movie Watching, Dinner, Entertaining, Sleeping, and Home and Away. Also have your lights flash when your security system is triggered. A true modern home starts with a smart lighting system and is the feature people want most.

Motorized Shades and Treatments

Continuing with the home getting a whole lot smarter, another aspect of controlling light in your home is Motorized Shades, Blinds, and Curtains. Smart Motorized Window Treatments add a sense of luxury to any home, and with wireless control technology, can be added to any home, at any time.

Smart blinds take the concept of automatic motorized treatments and integrate them with your control system. What does that mean? Basically, it lets you control your blinds based on the time of day, light level, and even the current temperature of the room or area. Fabric choices from Sheer to Black Out shades make sure different design choices can easily be accommodated by your design choices.

True Home Automation

Smart Lighting, Smart Thermostats, Smart Door Locks, Motorized Window Treatments, Security Systems are great, but they are subsystems. You can have a dozen or more apps on your phone, or you can have a Control System like RTI that will monitor and manage these separate systems. With an RTI Control System, Your lights can turn on not only by time, sunset, or even weather. This allows your home to manage itself. True Automation becomes very powerful when actions from one subsystem can trigger a response from another system. a basic example is in the middle of the night if someone rings your smart doorbell can turn on the lights at the front door. Or, the system checks to see if the garage doors are closed when the house is put into "Good Night Mode" This is an example of a truly Automated Home. An RTI System can keep your family safe, entertain you, make your home enjoyable, and easy to manage for years to come.

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